About us

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Hey! I’m Sarah, a French girl born and raised by the sea in Marseille.
Traveling and organizing holidays have always been my hobby.

I have shared most of my travels and best memories with my sister Laura since our first solo trip to Cuba over 10 years ago!

When visiting a new place, I never chill for long and love squeezing in as much as possible.

  • Favorite City: London, UK [where I lived 4 years]
  • Favorite Country: Colombia
  • Favorite Things: snorkeling, horse riding, eating delicious food, and running!
  • Fun Fact: People ask me if I am a local in South America, North Africa, and in the Middle East! Nope – Francaise!


Hey! I’m Max. I’m a full-time web designer (& part-time DJ!) who has been on the road (on and off) since 2016. I have lived in Colombia, Australia, UK and France.

The things for me that make a great destination are hiking, mountain scenery, and the local food scene.

I have come a long way – previously my traveling was based around drinking games and staying in the cheapest hostels possible!

I am also big into language learning and can speak Spanish (although rusty now!) and French.

  • Favorite City: Medellin, Colombia
  • Favorite Country: France
  • Favorite Things: music, cooking, coffee
  • Soccer Team: Aston Villa
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